Project SEUS - Through the Lens of the Horse
(Safe and Effective Use of Self)
All activities are on the ground – NO RIDING INVOLVED
What is this program?
2-DAY program for mental health practitioners
Experiential learning and Processing:
Learn how your lineage, culture and subjective context
enters the counselling room with you.
Learn how your story is your superpower!
Clinical Supervision (CS) in a group format:
Followed up with monthly group supervision for participants (optional)
10 Clinical Supervision hours
16 Continuing Education Credits
(1 CEC per hour of learning and participation in program)
January 24-25, 2025 at TROtt Ottawa
Registration with Martha Dougherty by January 13, 2025
$400 For program, certification in SEUS, and CS hours
This program takes place at TROtt: 6362 Bank St Unit 1, Greely, Ontario

Would you recommend this type of experience to colleagues?
Definitely! I think it's incredibly valuable to be able to have experiential learning, and I think working with horses is a beautiful way to have this learning. Please continue to make this offering available to the world! T.G RP
Overall Feedback:
Having the opportunity to recently attend a workshop exploring Subjective Context and Use-of-Self in psychotherapeutic practice at TROtt, I can only say I whole-heartedly recommend others to take advantage of any learning (or visiting) opportunity at the site available. Martha's facilitation was supportive, inclusive, and delivered in a way in which not only displayed respect for participants' individual comfort level/previous experience with horses, but also showed great depth of caring and respect for the animals themselves. Similarly, TROtt staff were friendly, welcoming, and accommodating to us visitors--and their appreciation and love for the animals at TROtt was also plainly evident.
While the site and workshop was certainly amongst the most unique I have had the pleasure of attending, it was handled with the same degree of professionalism and organization one would expect from any other professional education workshop. I very much look forward to the next learning opportunity that will allow me to have an excuse to visit TROtt and their beautiful horses. D.C RP(Q)

On a scale of 0 to 10, has this program enhanced you understanding of Safe and Effective use of Self? "10"
​​This was an amazing opportunity to get out of one's bubble and into the life-giving and inspiring world of nature. L.L RP
We did a lot of processing of information and our own objectives. Participants need to be ready for a true experiential workshop. Great support and leadership! TROtt is a beautiful place and the horses are obviously well loved. This was a unique and powerful learning program.